emma miller

Mockup image of a plant website on a laptop and phone.

OK Bloomer Website

A responsive website about the benefits of plants on mental health. My project for Code First Girls' Web Dev course.

Mockup image of a book club website on a laptop, tablet, and phone.

Read'in Club Website

A responsive single-page website for a book club. Project brief from Codecademy, designed by me.

Mockup image of a calculator web app on a laptop.

JavaScript Calculator

A neuomorphic calculator, as pretty as it is functional! This was my first real project using JavaScript.

Mockup image of an order summary card on a laptop and phone.

Order Summary Card

A responsive order summary card component. This is my solution to a challenge on Frontend Mentor.

languages + tools

about me

With 9+ years of experience as a self-employed creative, my passion for creating experiences that bring value to people's lives is at the heart of everything I do.

I began my coding journey by studying frontend development, and eventually developed an interest in Python and cloud computing.

I recently began an apprenticeship as a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, where I'm working with Azure Core services while also studying towards several certifications and qualifications.

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get in touch, i'd love
to hear from you

emmaclarem@outlook.com linkedin.com/in/emma-c-miller